December Monument Dot # 1



This month there is just one meeting, but it is going to be fabulous! 

We are going to have a special holiday menu, we are going to enjoy each other as we stray a bit from the agenda to have more time talking and enjoying the holiday spirit!  We are also having a cookie exchange - please bring 2 dozen of your favorite holiday cookie to share and take 2 dozen back of your choice!  We are asking that you bring cereal, feminine pads, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and small mouthwashes (your choice) (this was specifically asked for by the charity) for the selected charity Tri Lakes Cares.  We are taking all of the amassed bundle over to them directly after the meeting!  They want our picture, and it's a wonderful opportunity for other women to hear what we're about!

Our speaker is the director of Tri Lakes Cares, and she's going to talk with us about this charity and all of the good it does in this intimate community!  It might get a little sniffly! (caution - bring Kleenex) <3

Can't wait to see everyone and frolic in the wonderfulness of Christmas and all that it brings!  Wear an ugly sweater if you have one!

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 12-04-2019 11:00 am
Meeting End Date/Time 12-04-2019 1:00 pm
Capacity 50
Registered 29
Remaining Seats Available 21
Location 105 Social House

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting